An Olive Branch and an Oak Banch, both Leafed !

*Torch Aflame - Enlightening as...
**Olive Branch Leafed Link 1 (peace)
The United States Constitution Link 1 Link 2
The Articles Of Confederation Link 1 Link 2 Link 3
***An Oak Branch Leafed Link 1 Link 2 link 3
The "Declaration Of Independance" link 1 Link 2

* ** *** Torch Aflame (InVisual Portrait, and enlightening as ...)


...And a perspective from three points of which, I believe, we all share some peace; I am, of wisdom through some research, often portraiting symbolicly themes presented in the extension of an olive branch, a torch aflame, and an oak branch with leaves attached. In sumary to this introduction, see also some ""InVisual Protrait"" possibly of the day, thoughts with elements exstream; expressing this, painting view of somethings important, or just new to me, an expert of nothing. Just a view. ... InVisual Portrait post

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

InVisual Portrait

A Calendar presented this day as a type of "portrait to invision". (resourced by ]i[xQuick )
The Calendar presented here is one that is presented, and linked too, by the Orthadox Church of America:
Composite 10Composite 11Composite 8Luke 1:24-25,57-68,76,80Romans 8:2-13Romans 13:11-14:4Matthew 10:16-22Luke 1:1-25, 57-68, 76, 80
Feasts and Saints
The Lives of the Saints Information on the lives of many saints commemorated during the Liturgical year with icons pertaining to that saint or feastday.
The North American Saints Learn about the historical accounts of those Saints who labored for the Church here in North America.
Icons of the Church Year Icons for the Liturgical Seasons of the Year including the Twelve Great Feasts, the Pre-Lenten Sundays, the Lenten Commemorations, Holy Week, Great and Holy Pascha, Bright Week and Paschaltide, and Pentecost and the Sundays of All Saints.
Icons of the Mother of God Throughout history, many Icons of the Most Holy Mother of God have had miracles attributed to them. In addition, there are those Icons which may not have been miracle working, but still been venerated with the hope of intercession from the Mother of God. Learn about the icons with historical significance and those with miracles attributed to them.
Canonization An article which originally appeared in the commemorative book titled Canonization of Saint Herman of Alaska (August 9, 1970 - Kodiak, AK).
The Glorification of the Saints in the Orthodox Church An article written by Fr. Joseph Frawley.
Sermons on the Feasts Writings of the Church Fathers about the 12 Great Feasts.
Calendar of Feasts Future dates for Lent, Pascha (Easter), and other major feasts.
Scripture ReadingsDaily readings from the Holy Scriptures including search feature by month, date, name, chapter, and verse.
About the Feasts and Saints section Learn about the sources.

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caesura EPLU RIB USU NUM: (WITHIN A TENTH?) est Libre pars reddo rersus in reddo rursus prodigium or monstrum on tenus.