Things are moving quickly in the air. The Libra/Scorpio Cusp as a stable island in the air, looking out to the edge of the beyonf, near to us abroad, the bredth accross the plane, ridge and valley; the amora ordream? What stream to latck onto?
An essence of 2007 seems to have some important gearing in the clutchwork of "ECCLIPSES"; the Octaober 18th Ecclipse only 4 days since and ironiccly this at the very least, from my view, possibly any Libra or Aries view, may be a view that the entire world can distinguish as "a truth" where we have migrated from some sence of reallity, as we knew reallity then, accross several "end of the world", tribulations, and have just made the first 10 month journey accross the ecliptic plane of the Milky Way Galaxy, starting this 25,000 year cycle on the Northern Side of that plane.
This too...
..I thought as a good and amazing personal story to relay,
not of my own personal...
In september 2007, Charles launched his first Video Workshop on Sacred Geometry, choosing YouTube to introduce his understanding of Mandala and Sacred Geometry to the world in video form (see links below). Look for more coming soon.
Introduction To Sacred Geometry (Video)
Sacred Geometry 101A: Seven Pennies (Video)
If you would like to hear this very unusual artist speak about his beautiful spiritual work and the fabulous transcendental world of Sacred Geometry, contact us via E-mail or call us at (216) 529-1568. (LINKED ON THEIR WEBSITE: as written on that page
Leslie Page, Associate
I also liked reading these quotes today.
Goldratt Books "Always be on guard, always think, and continuously check to see if reality confirms your assumptions and conclusions." —Eli Goldratt
Goldratt Books "Short term actions typically consume all our time so that the long term is rarely considered." —Dr. Lisa Lang #tocot
Goldratt Books “People will do almost anything before they will shift their paradigm.” —Eli Goldratt #tocot
I found this earlier googling it. This is a 2007 review, but the Node in Scorpio now will move to Libra fora year starting in January to Groundhog Day. My Sun sign is Libra (((not the Ascebndant as this shows, just the description soo similar))); ALL I KNOW is it has to be at least twilight for the Earths shadow to be on the Moon, and Ecclipses in the dark must be within som range of a partial Lunar Eclipsed Earth Shadow on Moon, or a Complete Exaxt Full Total Eclipse of the Sun.
When the Sun enters Libra, it is crossing one of the Cardinal Points (which are the first degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn). The cardinal points are highly sensitive points, bringing the message “personal is political��? with events that tend to connect us to the larger events and movements in society around us. They are also natural turning point sin our lives. In the Northern tradition the cardinal points are represented by guardian dwarves called Nordri, Ostri, Sudri and Vestri, who held up the four “corners” of the cosmos.
Libra in particular is a point of rebalancing. Its image is of the scales of justice; its tarot card is Justice or Adjustment. Libra reminds us that one of the highest personal virtues we can attain, or at least strive for consciously, is fairness. A little fairness goes a long way. As with any cardinal sign, Libra is one that needs to take initiative. Aries is a potent sign of getting things going, but it tends to lack confidence. Half of the astrological cycle has passed by now, and Libra is the place where we find our confidence and the ability to make decisions.
The ascendant of the Libra equinox chart above, cast for The Hague, Netherlands (per Planet Waves tradition of casting global charts for that city), is in Scorpio, a sign ruled by Mars and Pluto. Mars and Pluto happen to be in an aspect at the time of the equinox — an opposition, which happens for a few days once every two years. Here, we have the two aspects of Scorpio — desire and the evolutionary impulse — facing off. We tend to think of them as being different. We tend to think of desire as being the thing that rules our lives, or that is the root of all suffering; of evolution as good and desire as something we need to get under control. Could it be that these two aspects of Scorpio contain one another? We can give desire the job of leading us to freedom as well as to anything else..