An Olive Branch and an Oak Banch, both Leafed !

*Torch Aflame - Enlightening as...
**Olive Branch Leafed Link 1 (peace)
The United States Constitution Link 1 Link 2
The Articles Of Confederation Link 1 Link 2 Link 3
***An Oak Branch Leafed Link 1 Link 2 link 3
The "Declaration Of Independance" link 1 Link 2

* ** *** Torch Aflame (InVisual Portrait, and enlightening as ...)


...And a perspective from three points of which, I believe, we all share some peace; I am, of wisdom through some research, often portraiting symbolicly themes presented in the extension of an olive branch, a torch aflame, and an oak branch with leaves attached. In sumary to this introduction, see also some ""InVisual Protrait"" possibly of the day, thoughts with elements exstream; expressing this, painting view of somethings important, or just new to me, an expert of nothing. Just a view. ... InVisual Portrait post

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Of One, that is "my self"; the first is with only a measurement.

To Relate this post, for me to post this message clearly and concisely...
... to -Knowing The Latin; No, I don't know the Latin.

Who has put me hear?... AND WHY? Of our creator.

Should that , at last, be a question too? (trivial tangent-not going there)(Atleast I don't think so at this point; at this point, what can I know? Or, What do I know about that? (thats for another blog )(ones of my own)

Let's start again.

Describing from a search of the Latin term to help relating, myself, to others.

(Excerted)_(non of my own)-Full text of ""Know thyself" in Greek and Latin literature"
The inscriptions at Delphi their number, authorship, date, etc. Dis- cussions of antiquity. Importance attached to the Ancients 1
... As KNOW YOUR MEASURE Earliest apparent reference to the maxim, in Heracleitus. Aeschylus' use of the apophthegm. Interpretation of Pindar, Pythian II, 34. ... St. ' Know your Measure' in Xenophon, Plato and Aristotle. Historical charac- ters who did not know themselves Alcibiades and Alexander. The above meaning for the maxim in Cicero and Juvenal. Significance of ...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

3, 2, 1, calendars Bul 2009

Bul I_Kings 6:38 Marchesvan, Cheshvan Wheat, barley, seed sowing Early rains None

I KINGS 6:38
37 The foundation of the LORD's Temple was laid in midspring, in the month of Ziv, [37] during the fourth year of Solomon's reign. 38 The entire building was completed in every detail by midautumn, in the month of Bul, [38] during the eleventh year of his reign. So it took seven years to build the Temple.

1 Kings 7 : 1Solomon Builds His Palace 1 Solomon also built a palace for himself, and it took him thirteen years to complete the construction.

Sacred Calendar - Year 6004, Month of Bul (Eighth Month)
Year 6004, 2009 - 2010. First Day 1, Second Day ... October 29, 11. October 30, 12. October 31. 13. November 1, 14. November 2, 15. November 3, 16 - Cached - Similar -
Sacred Calendar - Year 6003, Month of Bul (Eighth Month)
Year 6003, 2008 - 2009. First Day 1, Second Day 2, Third Day 3, Fourth Day 4, Fifth Day 5, Sixth Day 6, Sabbath 7. 1. October 1, 2. October 2, 3 - Cached - Similar -

Saturday, October 31, 2009


"She must be young—handsome (I lay most stress upon a good shape) Sensible (a little learning will do) —well bred... chaste and tender (I am an enthusiast in my notions of fidelity and fondness); of some good nature—a great deal of generosity (she must neither love money nor scolding, for I dislike equally a termagant and an economist)—In politics, I am indifferent what side she may be of—I think I have arguments that will safely convert her to mine—As to religion a moderate stock will satisfy me—She must believe in God and hate a saint. But as to fortune, the larger stock of that the better."

Friday, October 16, 2009


Finale, 1 Of My Own Post From An RSS!

Friday, October 9, 2009

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15 Tishri at Sundown Feast of Tabernacles 16 Tishri at Sundown Feast of Tabernacles
16 Tishri at Sundown Feast of Tabernacles 17 Tishri at Sundown Feast of Tabernacles
17 Tishri at Sundown Feast of Tabernacles 18 Tishri at Sundown Feast of Tabernacles
18 Tishri at Sundown Feast of Tabernacles 19 Tishri at Sundown Feast of Tabernacles
19 Tishri at Sundown Feast of Tabernacles 20 Tishri at Sundown Feast of Tabernacles
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Monday, October 5, 2009


Noting the comment
God described three men: Noah, Daniel, and Job as being righteous. But, He said that their righteousness could not be extended or imputed to others (Ezekiel 14:14-16). Not one of the three was a source of righteousness for others, and God never referred to any one of the three as being the King of Righteousness.

It is the same in trying to understand the Bible. Many people comment "I just cannot understand it." There is a reason: If you need to understand it before you can accept it, you will.never.understand it.(why?).and be sure to see here...:.Titus 1:15 "Unto the pure.(saturated with Christ {what does that mean?}).all things are pure. But unto them that are defiled.(original Greek is 'to dye with another colour'; selfishly minded and not spiritually inclined).and unbelieving, is nothing pure......" Ephesians 1:17-19 "That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened, that you may know what is the hope of his calling and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints. And what is the.exceeding greatness of his usward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power." (not all minds opened as yet)
Understanding comes through faith:.Hebrews 11:3. Acknowledge God's word as true the understanding come:.1Thessalonians 2:13 "For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when you received the word of God which you heard of us, you received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which.effectually works also in you that believe.".The understanding continues when one continues with it. How do you do that?
God is pure and God is love. And the pure are those with love in their hearts, for when God's nature is in you, you are pure:.1John 4:8,16. To put it another way: If you understand how to love, you will understand the Bible. We cannot deeply comprehend that which we chose not to believe.(Mark 1:15) or seek.
We cannot deeply be involved with that which we choose not to have affection for. We can never get good at a relationship or even a job we do not have passion for – a special sweetness for. Whatever we have decided not to love will never become great for us. Our job here... Many people love sales, and have made a career out of selling.(*). It is a wonderful career, though not for those stuck at having difficulty with others accepting them.
Nothing happens until a sale is made. Then, all gets into motion to provide the product. This supports the entire economy.
What is selling?."Selling is the process of helping a person to conclude that your product or service is of greater value to him than the price you are asking for." ...Brian Tracy....continues

Liberty Counsel Unveils the Adopt a Liberal™ Prayer Program

Its one thing to "to pray for "all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence." "

...then if that is not exactely as I understand that my Father Who Art In Heaven allows, expects, ; OR IF THAT IS EXACTLY, i STILL HAVE TO INCLUDE THOSE OF us WHO MAY NOT UNDERSTAND IT SO TO FOLLOW them'er.
SO IF THE NUMBERS OF U.S. PEOPLE are greater that do not understand or heed Our Father First before they can follow, or even if many will not follow; I PRAY ALSO THAT THEY who we have elected and they who THEY have appointed, WILL FOLLOW Thy Will...Be It Done Always AND When We Go Astray Have mercy FATHER and Let us mend our ways AND HELP THOSE OF US BACK TO ACCEPTABLE LIVING and DESENTLY RESPECTING AND TENDING OUR own with You.

AGAIN, WHEATHER Liberal or Conservative Leaders, elected or appointed, I have to wonder "WHAT DO THEY THINK ""we"" ARE?
E PLURIBUS UNUM / EPLU RIB USU NUM caesura (related TOPIC Website E-PLURIBUSUNUM Universal Study of America {USA}) (related Topic POST: #139)


Google News Alert for: Prayer
Liberty Counsel Unveils the Adopt a Liberal™ Prayer Program
Christian News Wire (press release)The Adopt a Liberal™ prayer-in-action program is based on the words of the Apostle Paul to Timothy to pray for "all who are in authority, that we may lead a ...See all stories on this topic

Liberty Counsel Unveils the Adopt a Liberal™ Prayer Program
Contact: Liberty Counsel Public Relations Department, 800-671-1776

WASHINGTON, Oct. 5 /Christian Newswire/ -- Liberty Counsel has launched a new program called Adopt a Liberal™. The program encourages people to pray for those in leadership to restore poor leaders to right thinking. The Adopt a Liberal™ prayer-in-action program is based on the words of the Apostle Paul to Timothy to pray for "all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence." I Timothy 2:1-3. The list can be obtained at
(so far , this is the list):
Choose a Liberal from the Following List (linked to the page)
Mayor Michael Bloomberg

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

Congressman Barney Frank

Director John Holdren

Mr. Barry Lynn

Secretary Janet Napolitano

President Barack Obama

Senator Harry Reid

Speaker Nancy Pelosi

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger

Senator Olympia Snowe

The "Unknown Liberal"

The current list of liberals includes Democrats, Republicans, Independents, and those who are not political leaders but whose leadership and actions affect our lives. The Adopt a Liberal™ program urges people "to pray daily for the liberal(s) of your choice, so each can become a good influence on our Nation's culture. Prayer is powerful! It allows God to change the minds of those for whom we are praying." The list includes President Barack Obama, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Congressman Barney Frank, Science Czar John Holdren, Senator Olympia Snowe, Barry Lynn, and others. There is even the "Unknown Liberal," which allows people to nominate a liberal of their choice.

Recently Mat Staver was interviewed on Fox Radio by Alan Colmes, who nominated himself to be on the list. Alan graciously sent Liberty Counsel his photo, and he has now been added to the list of liberals for whom people will offer daily prayers.

Liberty Counsel will be producing a deck of cards similar to baseball trading cards. On one side will be the picture of a liberal and, on the other side, some of their liberal positions or policies that negatively impact life, liberty and family. In this way people can pray for a specific person and then trade cards with their friends. There will be 51 cards, which is one card short of a full deck! Liberty Counsel will also be producing a bumper sticker that reads: "Have you prayed for a liberal today?" While the Adopt a Liberal™ program has a humorous side, it also has a serious side. It is truly designed to be a program that encourages people to pray for our leaders.

Mathew D. Staver, Founder of Liberty Counsel and Dean of Liberty University School of Law, commented: "The admonition to pray for our leaders is one that we take seriously. It is easy to berate those in authority and more difficult to pray for them, but that is what the Bible commands us to do. Our leaders affect life, liberty and family, and we aim to restore poor leaders to right thinking. We believe in miracles. The Apostle Paul experienced a radical change of heart on the road to Damascus. Indeed, God is the ultimate trump card."

This was in my mailbox as an alert
Google News Alert for: scripture
Against Such There is No Law
So i began to search further and found this

Genesis 1:1 "hawi(na)ditlv hia anigisdi adaleniha vhnai dinetlana adanvdo edoda udotlvsv hia galvladi ale hia elohino."
Dinetlana gesvi hia goluwadvdi nasgi yvwi aniyvwiya ale hia elohino ale nigada hia nvya ale hia nvdoigaehi ale hia svnoyiehinvdo gesei udotlvsv nasgi anigisdi udlanvdadehv aseno atselvigvnidi.
Tsosdadaanvtli anigvnegai alenidohv nanah hiya usdi gasiyou utselidv atselvigvnidi elohino. Itsula gvdodi gvnigesvnusdvi vlenitohv ayohuhisdi oginaligohi hinegv uwodu adageyudi ale dakanogidv. Geli gvwaduwidv hiya hia nvdoigaehi (nvda) ahyvdagwalosgi newadi kanouludi ama ganugogv yvwi amayinehi nvya nigadv nvla anigisdinidvlenvda udlanvdadehv. Nigada hia aniyvwiya alenidohv nanah hia eholi, tlayo gi nol 'tse i hia elowehi edohvI hia unequa. Ganodu wili digu(ga)disgi nasgihai gohi.
Asquanigosga nanahi dinetlana nasginigesvna hawi(na)ditlv utlasidv ale uwohiyusv.
Ugodidi ude:tiyvda iyutsigesv ugvwiyuhi David anigisdi gatohi Israel duno`gisv ( Psalm 8:34 ) Hilayui ge`li gvwaduwidv itsatseli galv'lati, digalvwisdanedi anigisdinidvlenvda itsatseli diwayi, hia udo svnoehi ale hia nvya nasgi udotlvsv, ka'ga uwejiaska`ya nasgi unequa adanhteha hawi(na)ditlv yvwi aniyvwiya ale hia dini`yotli hia yvwi aniyvwiya, nasgi ugo`hv ale agasesdodi ale degatitlvsga, uwejiaska`ya.
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More creation science information is available regarding: Biology, Geology, Archaeology, Paleontology, Astronomy, Evolution, Intelligent Design, Adam & Eve, Noah's Ark, the Ice Age, the Garden of Eden, and Earth History.
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So, in light of my work around an event today of the "Women Of Faith" , I add also a find , not of their own, but my own interest to relate.
Today, we make our final trip to the winged creatures of Scripture - we looked at the dove - but,now we look at the eagle's perspective.B. Exposition.1. The Eagle's Strength.Eagles faint not. They are unweary in their flight. They flap their wings initially, but for hoursthey simply soar - their wings are locked. Until recently, men didn't know how eagles could do it. Theancients thought eagles were gods - they could float higher and higher without any effort. But, when manlearned of flight - they also learned of things called thermals. Rising streams of warm air that come fromthe earth's surface. The eagles seek those out - and float aloft on these....The saint of God is like that eagle. He floats above the cares of this life. He floats out of reach ofhis enemies. Far above the mundane things of this world....The psalmist said, "I had fainted unless I hadbelieved" (Psalm 27:13). There are three thermals - three invisible streams that lift the soul's wings -"Now abideth these three - faith hope & love."Eagles renew their strength. How? By changing old feathers. Even if the eagle is old - Theplumage of the eagle is always young. He moults - he exchanges his old feathers for new ones....They thatwait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.....Is the way getting old? Look unto Jesus! "He satisfieth their mouth with good things, sot thattheir strength is renewed like the eagle's" (Psalm 103:5).Cast off the old man - and put on the new man. That's how we gain strength.A little less us - a little more Jesus.Eagles mount up with wings. Through a few flaps of their large wings, the eagle soars into theheights. As do the saints, "Our conversation," said Paul, "is in heaven." We seek those things which areabove. Through a little prayer - we mount up with spiritual wings. Through a little worship - we step intothe holiest. Through a little praise - we enter into his courts.2. The eagle's perspective.God blesses each of his creation with a vision to match their size and swiftness. An ant doesn'tsee far - because an ant doesn't need to see far. It can't travel fast - so it doesn't need to see far away. But,not so with an eagle - an eagle can see great distances. An eagle can see something as small as a rabbitfrom a mile high in the air. It has great vision - because it needs great vision.When Ezekiel - and later John - saw the living creatures before God's throne - he said they hadfour faces: a man, an ox, a lion - and an eagle. Each speaks of a facet of the person God uses. The eaglespeaks of vision & perspective.The eagle sees because the eagle must see. So powerful and so quick is the eagle - that withoutgreat vision; he would kill himself. The saint sees because the saint must see. We must like the eagle - seefarther than others.A saint sees farther than others. What is it that makes a child of God so unique - he sees farther.Abraham. The Bible says, "he saw the promises from afar off and confessed them." He looked for a city,whose builder and maker was God. He saw farther than other people.We call this vision. Without a vision, my people perish. If a saint can't see far ahead - if he can'tsee to the end of the road; then, he will fall by the wayside.A saint has perspective. The eagle sees the big picture. He doesn't flap around in the dust - hesoars high...He sees things from a different perspective.Elisha prayed for his servant - open his eyes that he might see!Discerners of the time - sons of Isaachar.A saint looks upward when going gets rough.. Altitude isn't as important as attitude. Stormscome - eagles don't head downward - they head upward - they fly over the storm.What's your attitude like? do you looke upward.C. Secret of renewal.Wait upon the Lord.-wait on him as a servant waits on the table. Meet his every need.-wait on him as the farmer waits on the crops. Be patient - God will show up.III. Conclusion.Over a quarter of a century ago - these words were spoken - Houston, the eagle has landed.Perched higher than an eagle had ever gone before - the moon.But, someday the eagle will gain a new perspective....we will see as we've never seen - we shallsee him as he is!We will look down on this world from the portals of glory.....

Binding the breaks together with a Torch-aflame at center, an olive branch left
and a leafed oak branch at right to a display a message enlightenment, a peace,
and a sturdyness, stability, and something well grounded. Just 1. And do not know of how many. That's it, just one.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Monkey/Ape~Human, Mt St Helen / Noah, Obama Moms
I DO NOT BELIEVE THIS COMPLETELY... Take your pick of the following ---3--- news -------------------------------------1 OF 3 ----------------------------This was in my mailbox as an alert
Google News Alert for: scriptureAgainst Such There is No LawValley Bugler NewspaperTheir Visitor's Center is unique in that it is the only one of the Mount Saint Helen's Visitor's Centers that features a world view based upon scripture ...Against Such There is No Law
October 1, 2009 by Paddy Burrow See all stories on this topic
Mt. St. Helens Creation Information CenterMount St. Helens 'Point' A Creation Information Center with Display Room & Bookstore that presents powerful evidence for Noah's Flood - Similar
[PPT] Format: Microsoft Powerpoint - View as HTML7 Wonders of Mount St. Helens by Lloyd Anderson, Mt. St. Helens Creation Info Center, .... In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, ...Similar
Mount St. Helens Visitors PacketEruptions at Mount St. Helens compel us to look more closely at the science upon which ... Amazing new studies on the capabilities of Noah's ark show how, - Similar
Mount St. Helens - Creation ResourcesMount St. Helens Creation Information Center, near Toutle River, in Washington ... True Story of Noah's Ark, HB, Dooley with Illustrator Bill Looney, $15 - Similar
www.creationism.orgDimensions and Capacity of Noah's Ark .... At this museum, formations produced by Mount St. Helens during the '80's has become a key to better interpret the - Similar
Mount St. Helens Photos by the USGS, 1981For additional MSH (Mount St. Helens) information contact the Mount St. .... And all of this reminds us that the Great Flood of Noah of 5000 years ago - Similar
Mount St. Helens Visitors PacketSo then, is it just coincidence that Mount St. Helens is now a monument where .... But, unfortunately, just as in Noah's day when that prophet foretold the - Similar
On of Noah's Ark (H.O. scale with people, animals & a boxcar). ... In 2007 Adults paid $3 to visit the Mount St. Helens (Silverlake) Visitor Center run - Similar
B.C. - Berkeley Creation - VideosBC07: Tour of Mount St. Helens BC08: Berkeley Live Call-in Show ... How could Noah have fit all of the animals into the Ark? - Similar
On of biology at Mount St. Helens help us see what would have happened after Noah's Flood. If you take this tour we suggest you begin your day early. - Similar 1 2 3
Spading Up Ancient WordsLamech, the father of Noah, spoke of the awful drudgery and toil of life on a ... EDEN, Gen. 2:8. Eden must not be confused with the Eden of Assyria in II - Similar
CSSHS Archives - v16n4p06.htm... the man Adam into the garden of Eden was "to tend it and keep it" (2:15). ... At that time he renewed the Creation mandate with Noah, commanding him to - Similar
Mythology, The Bible and the Postflood Origins of Greek History.... like that of Eden, which ended through the first woman's disobedience; .... Genesis 10 outlines the repopulation of the earth by Noah's descendants. - Similar - Info Box - TopBarThe Flood of Noah was not merely regional. If one walked at 3 MPH for 10 hours a day (so 30 ... "Where is the Garden of Eden? ... "Noah's Flood" AIG Section - Similar
Swazi Introduction for: www.creationism.orgBiology, Geology, Archaeology, Paleontology, Astronomy, Evolution, Intelligent Design, Adam & Eve, Noah's Ark, the Ice Age, the Garden of Eden, - Similar
Venda Introduction for: www.creationism.orgBiology, Geology, Archaeology, Paleontology, Astronomy, Evolution, Intelligent Design, Adam & Eve, Noah's Ark, the Ice Age, the Garden of Eden, - Similar
Marathi Introduction for: www.creationism.orgBiology, Geology, Archaeology, Paleontology, Astronomy, Evolution, Intelligent Design, Adam & Eve, Noah's Ark, the Ice Age, the Garden of Eden, - Similar
English Introduction for: www.creationism.orgBiology, Geology, Archaeology, Paleontology, Astronomy, Evolution, Intelligent Design, Adam & Eve, Noah's Ark, the Ice Age, the Garden of Eden, - Similar
Cherokee Introduction for: www.creationism.orgBiology, Geology, Archaeology, Paleontology, Astronomy, Evolution, Intelligent Design, Adam & Eve, Noah's Ark, the Ice Age, the Garden of Eden, - Similar
Oromo Introduction for: www.creationism.orgBiology, Geology, Archaeology, Paleontology, Astronomy, Evolution, Intelligent Design, Adam & Eve, Noah's Ark, the Ice Age, the Garden of Eden, - Similar
Noah and the Christian Apocalypse.Noah's family did not nave to invent the cult of astrology, they inhabited an ... ann another glory of the stars, for star differs from star in glory. - Cached - Similar
Spading Up Ancient WordsThe relationship of the two is very unclear, but many of the same stars are involved in both sets of signs. From this well of astronomical and astrological - Cached - Similar
Clues Ten, Eleven And Twelve - Mars-Earth WarsAreopagite, originally court of astrologers, seers, star gazers and ..... “Medes ” and Medea are both cognate with Madai, a grandson of Utnapishtim (Noah.) - Cached - Similar
The Biblical Flood and the Ice EpochHe was the grandson of Ham, the son of Noah, a bold man, and of great strength ... in their study of mathematics and the stars, had discovered some of the - Similar
Genesis and ScienceDoes this mean that stars can predict or influence our lives as claimed by astrologers? Scripture denounces all forms of so-called arts of foretelling the - Cached - Similar
Early Church Fathers Believed in Young Earth Recent CreationAnd this Noah had three sons (as we mentioned in the second book), .... have put forth a sort of account of it by the hand of their astrologers in cycles and ..... "Heaven," in which firmament the stars were made on the fourth day. - Cached - Similar
Symposium on Creation VIThey have made a Catalogue of ten thousand fixed Stars, whereas, the Largest of ..... The same theory linked Fu Hsi (Fohi in French documents) to Noah and - Cached - Similar
The Energy Exchange - Mars-Earth WarsTycho was the best star watcher and recorder of star positions of that time. ...... Sennacherib's astrologers, close to the throne, had advised him that the Assyrian army .... Isaiah's precognition was shades of Noah's, precognition, - Cached - Similar
Angular Momentum Exchange - Mars-Earth WarsAn assist by the destructive Ares had been predicted by the Greek star gazers and ... Its timetable no doubt had been scheduled by the seers, the astrologers and ..... The Noah's Flood Flyby, - 2484 was such an occasion; the Long Day of - Cached - Similar
The Project Gutenberg ebook of The Evolution Of Man Scientifically ...Every proof of the unity of the human race in the days of Adam or Noah ...... Has it as much to support it as the false sciences of alchemy and astrology? - Cached - Similar 1 2 Next It is a snapshot of the page as it appeared on Aug 4, 2009 04:46:05 GMT. The current page could have changed in the meantime. Learn moreThese search terms are highlighted: mtprophecyThese terms only appear in links pointing to this page: sthelensText-only versionA Defense of Creationism ... Such stories of heroism and honor, of prophecy, deceit, ...... Mount St. Helens Creation Information Center, located near Mount St. Helens, in Washington - - Similar
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---------------------- ----------------------------------2 OF 3----------------------------------------------------THIS WAS YAHOO'S MAIN PAGE NEWSMajor human ancestry breakthrough
A 4.4-million-year-old hominid shakes up common wisdom about human evolution. Meet your relative Ardi ------------------------------------3 OF 3-------------------------------------------------THIS???????????S

Obama Asks Moms to Return to SchoolGet Your Degree with Government Grants and Sort Results by: RelevanceDate
So In Style Dolls, the New Black Barbie Filed under: Profiles Citing her own positive experiences playing with Barbie dolls during her childhood, Stacey McBride-Irby, Barbie designer for the past 12 years, has now created her own Barbie line, So In Style [TM]. When there used to be a time when African-American dolls were hard to find, now there are a number of offerings for black girls to play with, including So In Style, which ...Black Voices-11 minutes ago
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AP News in Brief WASHINGTON (AP) — In a long-anticipated showdown, liberal Democrats twice failed on Tuesday to inject a government-run insurance option into sweeping health care legislation taking shape in the Senate, despite bipartisan agreement that private insurers must change their ways.The San Francisco Examiner-Sep 29 4:29 PM
AP News in Brief Liberals fail to win government-run insurance option in Senate health care billAP via Yahoo! Malaysia News-Sep 29 3:25 PM
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Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Articles of Confederation

The Articles of Confederation OFFSITE blogpost topic- Linked through "Blogger's blog features.
The Articles Of Confederation, noted and recognized today by many youths as mentioned in the above blog post and here on this blogs past posts (Jump to a more "Enlightening Till") as a wonder to a hope; a hope for future recognition of the importances by todays youths, are not to be confused by the "preamble" of the United States Constitution . Although having a Monarchy was the favor of some authors.
I have seen other works supporting this reasoning (which I cannot retrace my past searches and saved bookmarks of topics that were for differnt reasonings than this post today to sort) websites with their disertations, pdf documents, and others writings in the past, and I believe it feesable to a theme suggesting that the U.S. Constitution exists NOT ONLY because of the ""determined"" need of a constitution BUT THAT ALSO THE ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION allowed *"a future constitution"; that this was allowable under the "articles of confederation" so much so that the Articles were almost designed in an effort to suspend the need of "A CONSTITUTION " ... in the true'est freedom or democracy portrail known- the world - "enlightenment" ENLIGHTENING imagined - (scroll down to Enlightning Defined)
ENLIGHTENING - MEANING IN GENERAL TODAY- that THE preamble today is a fundamentle statement, but one which often is an item of represent to the order of a coveted or, and to better describe the word again, a ""determined"" foundational statement guiding the insight towards the stage of The Constitution's Amendements and "ongoing amendment process"".
The PREAMBLE then is abused, but the constitution is not flawed unless abandoned, and the confederation all that more important; even under the Virginia Plan.
before i get into the preamble, let me explain 4 things

  1. * THIS PORTION NEEDS FURTHER STUDY- for/of which "a future constitution" was allowable under the "articles of confederation";

  2. SEE BELOW Or CLICK ON this Link for more on the reasoning (looking back at how we look at it from before, in the contructions:

  3. ALSO A LITTLE OF THIS DOES STEM FROM THE THOUGHTS WITHIN OUR "AGE OF THESE DAY", TODAY (FROM A PAST POST -POINTS in Chapter 2 and part 3 and CHAPTER 3 OTHERWISE YOU MAY JUST AS WELL Confuse the Constitutional wording differences and liknesses to that of others:
    Not to be confused with the French version - The Constitution of 1791
    3 September, 1791[Preamble]

  4. ENLIGHTENING DEFINED ; YOU MAY ALREADY HAVE WONDERED "WHY HAVE i NOT YET "ENLIGHTENED" my reasonings about this Articles/ Constitution transition; I note this start with "of their day" and reflect that we today FEEL THE ANTITHESIS from those who have felt, and still feel that they did not percieve of our age of today: so for ENLIGHTENING i found this definitional from Modern History Sourcebook: Immanuel Kant: Enlightenment is man's release from his self-incurred tutelage. Tutelage s man's inability to make use of his understanding without direction from another. Self-incurred is this tutelage when its cause lies not in lack of reason but in lack of resolution and courage to use it without direction from another. Sapere aude! "Have courage to use your own reason!"- that is the motto of enlightenment.
    Laziness and cowardice are the reasons why so great a portion of mankind, after nature has long since discharged them from external direction (naturaliter maiorennes), nevertheless remains under lifelong tutelage, and why it is so easy for others to set themselves up as their guardians. It is so easy not to be of age. If I have a book which understands for me, a pastor who has a conscience for me, a physician who decides my diet, and so forth, I need not trouble myself. I need not think, if I can only pay - others will easily undertake the irksome work for me.
    That the step to competence is held to be very dangerous by the far greater portion of mankind (and by the entire fair sex) - quite apart from its being arduous is seen to by those guardians who have so kindly assumed superintendence over them. After the guardians have first made their domestic cattle dumb and have made sure that these placid creatures will not dare take a single step without the harness of the cart to which they are tethered, the guardians then show them the danger which threatens if they try to go alone. Actually, however, this danger is not so great, for by falling a few times they would finally learn to walk alone. But an example of this failure makes them timid and ordinarily frightens them away from all further trials.
    For any single individua1 to work himself out of the life under tutelage which has become almost his nature is very difficult. He has come to be fond of his state, and he is for the present really incapable of making use of his reason, for no one has ever let him try it out. Statutes and formulas, those mechanical tools of the rational employment or rather misemployment of his natural gifts, are the fetters of an everlasting tutelage. Whoever throws them off makes only an uncertain leap over the narrowest ditch because he is not accustomed to that kind of free motion. Therefore, there are few who have succeeded by their own exercise of mind both in freeing themselves from incompetence and in achieving a steady pace.
    But that the public should enlighten itself is more possible; indeed, if only freedom is granted enlightenment is almost sure to follow. For there will always be some independent thinkers, even among the established guardians of the great masses, who, after throwing off the yoke of tutelage from their own shoulders, will disseminate the spirit of the rational appreciation of both their own worth and every man's vocation for thinking for himself. But be it noted that the public, which has first been brought under this yoke by their guardians, forces the guardians themselves to renain bound when it is incited to do so by some of the guardians who are themselves capable of some enlightenment - so harmful is it to implant prejudices, for they later take vengeance on their cultivators or on their descendants. Thus the public can only slowly attain enlightenment. Perhaps a fall of personal despotism or of avaricious or tyrannical oppression may be accomplished by revolution, but never a true reform in ways of thinking. Farther, new prejudices will serve as well as old ones to harness the great unthinking masses.
    ...thats ENLIGHTENED: (and more: but know first, there was a lot more written between my jump here and more over/decades and centurys of centurys of ages past that went into our endeavor to this enlightenment for our "fundamental founding reasonings to articles of Confederation and Constitutional Laws" than just the age of that day; more of Kant's ENLIGHTENMENT) ...An age cannot bind itself and ordain to put the succeeding one into such a condition that it cannot extend its (at best very occasional) knowledge , purify itself of errors, and progress in general enlightenment. That would be a crime against human nature, the proper destination of which lies precisely in this progress and the descendants would be fully justified in rejecting those decrees as having been made in an unwarranted and malicious manner.
    The touchstone of everything that can be concluded as a law for a people lies in the question whether the people could have imposed such a law on itself. Now such religious compact might be possible for a short and definitely limited time, as it were, in expectation of a better. One might let every citizen, and especially the clergyman, in the role of scholar, make his comments freely and publicly, i.e. through writing, on the erroneous aspects of the present institution. The newly introduced order might last until insight into the nature of these things had become so general and widely approved that through uniting their voices (even if not unanimously) they could bring a proposal to the throne to take those congregations under protection which had united into a changed religious organization according to their better ideas, without, however hindering others who wish to remain in the order. But to unite in a permanent religious institution which is not to be subject to doubt before the public even in the lifetime of one man, and thereby to make a period of time fruitless in the progress of mankind toward improvement, thus working to the disadvantage of posterity - that is absolutely forbidden. For himself (and only for a short time) a man may postpone enlightenment in what he ought to know, but to renounce it for posterity is to injure and trample on the rights of mankind. And what a people may not decree for itself can even less be decreed for them by a monarch, for his lawgiving authority rests on his uniting the general public will in his own. If he only sees to it that all true or alleged improvement stands together with civil order, he can leave it to his subjects to do what they find necessary for their spiritual welfare. This is not his concern, though it is incumbent on him to prevent one of them from violently hindering another in determining and promoting this welfare to the best of his ability. To meddle in these matters lowers his own majesty, since by the writings in which his own subjects seek to present their views he may evaluate his own governance. He can do this when, with deepest understanding, he lays upon himself the reproach, Caesar non est supra grammaticos. Far more does he injure his own majesty when he degrades his supreme power by supporting the ecclesiastical despotism of some tyrants in his state over his other subjects.
    If we are asked , "Do we now live in an enlightened age?" the answer is, "No ," but we do live in an age of enlightenment. As things now stand, much is lacking which prevents men from being, or easily becoming, capable of correctly using their own reason in religious matters with assurance and free from outside direction. But on the other hand, we have clear indications that the field has now been opened wherein men may freely dea1 with these things and that the obstacles to general enlightenment or the release from self-imposed tutelage are gradually being reduced. In this respect, this is the age of enlightenment, or the century of Frederick.


Link for more on the reasoning (looking back at how we look at it from before, in the contructions (EXCERT):

1 The Declaration of Independence made them sovereign and independent States, by altogether abolishing the foreign jurisdiction, and substituting a national government of their own creation. But while national powers were assumed by and conceded to the Congress of 1775-76, that body was nevertheless strictly rev- olutionary in its character, and, like all revolutionary bodies, its 1 "All the country now possessed by the United States was [prior to the Revo- lution] a part of the dominions appertain- ing to the Crown of Great Britain. Every acre of land in this country was then held, mediately or immediately, by grants from that Crown. All the people of this country were then subjects of the King of Great Britain, and owed allegiance to him ; and all the civil authority then ex- isting or exercised here flowed from the head of the British empire. They were in a strict sense fellow-subjects, and in a variety of respects one people. When the Revolution commenced, the patriots did not assert that only the same affinity and social connection subsisted between the people of the colonies, which subsisted between the people of Gaul, Britain, and Spain, while Roman provinces, namely, only that affinity and social connection which result from the mere circumstance of being governed by one prince ; differ- ent ideas prevailed, and gave occasion to the Congress of 1774 and 1775. " The Revolution, or rather the Dec- laration of Independence, found the people already united for general pur- poses, and at the same time providing for their more domestic concerns by State conventions and other temporary arrangements. From the Crown of Great Britain the sovereignty of their country passed to the people of it ; and it was not then an uncommon opinion that the unappropriated lands which be- longed to the Crown passed, not to the people of the colony or State within whose limits they were situated, but to the whole people. On whatever princi- ples this opinion rested, it did not give way to the other, and thirteen sov- ereignties were considered as emerged from the principles of the Revolution, combined with local convenience and considerations ; the people, nevertheless, continued to consider themselves, in a national point of view, as one people; and they continued without interruption to manage their national concerns accord- ingly. Afterwards, in the hurry of the war, and in the warmth of mutual confi- dence, they made a confederation of the States the basis of a general government. Experience disappointed the expectations they had formed from it ; and then the people, in their collective capacity estab- lished the present Constitution." Per Jay, Ch. J., in Chisholm v. Georgia, 2 Dall. 419, 470. See this point forcibly put and elaborated by Mr. A. J. Dallas, in his Life and Writings by G. M. Dallas, 200-207. Also in Texas . White, 7 Wall. 724. Professor Von Hoist, in his Constitutional History of the United States, c. 1, presents the same view clearly and fully. Compare Hurd, Theory of National Existence, 125. CH. II.] THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. 9 authority was undefined, and could be limited only, first, by in- structions to individual delegates by the States choosing them ; second, by the will of the Congress ; and third, by the power to enforce that will. 1 As in the latter particular it was essentially feeble, the necessity for a clear specification of powers which should be exercised by the national government became speedily apparent, and led to the adoption of the Articles of Confederation. But those articles did not concede the full measure of power es- sential to the efficiency of a national government at home, the en- forcement of respect abroad, or the preservation of the public faith or public credit ; and the difficulties experienced induced the election of delegates to the Constitutional Convention held in 1787, by which a constitution was formed which was put into operation in 1789. As much larger powers were vested by this instrument in the general government than had ever been exer- cised in this country by either the Crown, the Parliament, or the Revolutionary Congress, and larger than those conceded to the Congress under the Articles of Confederation, the assent of the people of the several States was essential to its acceptance, and a provision was inserted in the Constitution that the ratifica- tion of the conventions of nine States should be sufficient for the establishment of the Constitution between the States so ratifying the same. In fact, the Constitution was ratified by conventions of delegates chosen by the people in eleven of the States, before the new government was organized under it ; and the remaining two, North Carolina and Rhode Island, by their refusal to accept, and by the action of the others in proceeding separately, were excluded altogether from that national jurisdiction which before had embraced them. This exclusion was not warranted by any- thing contained in the Articles of Confederation, which purported to be articles of " perpetual union ; " and the action of the eleven States in making radical revision of the Constitution, and exclud- ing their associates for refusal to assent, was really revolutionary in character, 2 and only to be defended on 4 the same ground of necessity on which all revolutionary action is justified, and which in this case was the absolute need, fully demonstrated by experi- ence, of a more efficient general government.
1 See remarks of...

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