Its one thing to "to pray for "all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence." "
...then if that is not exactely as I understand that my Father Who Art In Heaven allows, expects, ; OR IF THAT IS EXACTLY, i STILL HAVE TO INCLUDE THOSE OF us WHO MAY NOT UNDERSTAND IT SO TO FOLLOW them'er.
SO IF THE NUMBERS OF U.S. PEOPLE are greater that do not understand or heed Our Father First before they can follow, or even if many will not follow; I PRAY ALSO THAT THEY who we have elected and they who THEY have appointed, WILL FOLLOW Thy Will...Be It Done Always AND When We Go Astray Have mercy FATHER and Let us mend our ways AND HELP THOSE OF US BACK TO ACCEPTABLE LIVING and DESENTLY RESPECTING AND TENDING OUR own with You.
AGAIN, WHEATHER Liberal or Conservative Leaders, elected or appointed, I have to wonder "WHAT DO THEY THINK ""we"" ARE?
E PLURIBUS UNUM / EPLU RIB USU NUM caesura (related TOPIC Website E-PLURIBUSUNUM Universal Study of America {USA}) (related Topic POST: #139)
Google News Alert for: Prayer
Liberty Counsel Unveils the Adopt a Liberal™ Prayer Program
Christian News Wire (press release)The Adopt a Liberal™ prayer-in-action program is based on the words of the Apostle Paul to Timothy to pray for "all who are in authority, that we may lead a ...See all stories on this topic
Liberty Counsel Unveils the Adopt a Liberal™ Prayer Program
Contact: Liberty Counsel Public Relations Department, 800-671-1776
WASHINGTON, Oct. 5 /Christian Newswire/ -- Liberty Counsel has launched a new program called Adopt a Liberal™. The program encourages people to pray for those in leadership to restore poor leaders to right thinking. The Adopt a Liberal™ prayer-in-action program is based on the words of the Apostle Paul to Timothy to pray for "all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence." I Timothy 2:1-3. The list can be obtained at
(so far , this is the list):
Choose a Liberal from the Following List (linked to the page)
Mayor Michael Bloomberg
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
Congressman Barney Frank
Director John Holdren
Mr. Barry Lynn
Secretary Janet Napolitano
President Barack Obama
Senator Harry Reid
Speaker Nancy Pelosi
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
Senator Olympia Snowe
The "Unknown Liberal"
The current list of liberals includes Democrats, Republicans, Independents, and those who are not political leaders but whose leadership and actions affect our lives. The Adopt a Liberal™ program urges people "to pray daily for the liberal(s) of your choice, so each can become a good influence on our Nation's culture. Prayer is powerful! It allows God to change the minds of those for whom we are praying." The list includes President Barack Obama, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Congressman Barney Frank, Science Czar John Holdren, Senator Olympia Snowe, Barry Lynn, and others. There is even the "Unknown Liberal," which allows people to nominate a liberal of their choice.
Recently Mat Staver was interviewed on Fox Radio by Alan Colmes, who nominated himself to be on the list. Alan graciously sent Liberty Counsel his photo, and he has now been added to the list of liberals for whom people will offer daily prayers.
Liberty Counsel will be producing a deck of cards similar to baseball trading cards. On one side will be the picture of a liberal and, on the other side, some of their liberal positions or policies that negatively impact life, liberty and family. In this way people can pray for a specific person and then trade cards with their friends. There will be 51 cards, which is one card short of a full deck! Liberty Counsel will also be producing a bumper sticker that reads: "Have you prayed for a liberal today?" While the Adopt a Liberal™ program has a humorous side, it also has a serious side. It is truly designed to be a program that encourages people to pray for our leaders.
Mathew D. Staver, Founder of Liberty Counsel and Dean of Liberty University School of Law, commented: "The admonition to pray for our leaders is one that we take seriously. It is easy to berate those in authority and more difficult to pray for them, but that is what the Bible commands us to do. Our leaders affect life, liberty and family, and we aim to restore poor leaders to right thinking. We believe in miracles. The Apostle Paul experienced a radical change of heart on the road to Damascus. Indeed, God is the ultimate trump card."
This was in my mailbox as an alert
Google News Alert for: scripture
Against Such There is No Law
So i began to search further and found this
Genesis 1:1 "hawi(na)ditlv hia anigisdi adaleniha vhnai dinetlana adanvdo edoda udotlvsv hia galvladi ale hia elohino."
Dinetlana gesvi hia goluwadvdi nasgi yvwi aniyvwiya ale hia elohino ale nigada hia nvya ale hia nvdoigaehi ale hia svnoyiehinvdo gesei udotlvsv nasgi anigisdi udlanvdadehv aseno atselvigvnidi.
Tsosdadaanvtli anigvnegai alenidohv nanah hiya usdi gasiyou utselidv atselvigvnidi elohino. Itsula gvdodi gvnigesvnusdvi vlenitohv ayohuhisdi oginaligohi hinegv uwodu adageyudi ale dakanogidv. Geli gvwaduwidv hiya hia nvdoigaehi (nvda) ahyvdagwalosgi newadi kanouludi ama ganugogv yvwi amayinehi nvya nigadv nvla anigisdinidvlenvda udlanvdadehv. Nigada hia aniyvwiya alenidohv nanah hia eholi, tlayo gi nol 'tse i hia elowehi edohvI hia unequa. Ganodu wili digu(ga)disgi nasgihai gohi.
Asquanigosga nanahi dinetlana nasginigesvna hawi(na)ditlv utlasidv ale uwohiyusv.
Ugodidi ude:tiyvda iyutsigesv ugvwiyuhi David anigisdi gatohi Israel duno`gisv ( Psalm 8:34 ) Hilayui ge`li gvwaduwidv itsatseli galv'lati, digalvwisdanedi anigisdinidvlenvda itsatseli diwayi, hia udo svnoehi ale hia nvya nasgi udotlvsv, ka'ga uwejiaska`ya nasgi unequa adanhteha hawi(na)ditlv yvwi aniyvwiya ale hia dini`yotli hia yvwi aniyvwiya, nasgi ugo`hv ale agasesdodi ale degatitlvsga, uwejiaska`ya.
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So, in light of my work around an event today of the "Women Of Faith" , I add also a find , not of their own, but my own interest to relate.
Today, we make our final trip to the winged creatures of Scripture - we looked at the dove - but,now we look at the eagle's perspective.B. Exposition.1. The Eagle's Strength.Eagles faint not. They are unweary in their flight. They flap their wings initially, but for hoursthey simply soar - their wings are locked. Until recently, men didn't know how eagles could do it. Theancients thought eagles were gods - they could float higher and higher without any effort. But, when manlearned of flight - they also learned of things called thermals. Rising streams of warm air that come fromthe earth's surface. The eagles seek those out - and float aloft on these....The saint of God is like that eagle. He floats above the cares of this life. He floats out of reach ofhis enemies. Far above the mundane things of this world....The psalmist said, "I had fainted unless I hadbelieved" (Psalm 27:13). There are three thermals - three invisible streams that lift the soul's wings -"Now abideth these three - faith hope & love."Eagles renew their strength. How? By changing old feathers. Even if the eagle is old - Theplumage of the eagle is always young. He moults - he exchanges his old feathers for new ones....They thatwait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.....Is the way getting old? Look unto Jesus! "He satisfieth their mouth with good things, sot thattheir strength is renewed like the eagle's" (Psalm 103:5).Cast off the old man - and put on the new man. That's how we gain strength.A little less us - a little more Jesus.Eagles mount up with wings. Through a few flaps of their large wings, the eagle soars into theheights. As do the saints, "Our conversation," said Paul, "is in heaven." We seek those things which areabove. Through a little prayer - we mount up with spiritual wings. Through a little worship - we step intothe holiest. Through a little praise - we enter into his courts.2. The eagle's perspective.God blesses each of his creation with a vision to match their size and swiftness. An ant doesn'tsee far - because an ant doesn't need to see far. It can't travel fast - so it doesn't need to see far away. But,not so with an eagle - an eagle can see great distances. An eagle can see something as small as a rabbitfrom a mile high in the air. It has great vision - because it needs great vision.When Ezekiel - and later John - saw the living creatures before God's throne - he said they hadfour faces: a man, an ox, a lion - and an eagle. Each speaks of a facet of the person God uses. The eaglespeaks of vision & perspective.The eagle sees because the eagle must see. So powerful and so quick is the eagle - that withoutgreat vision; he would kill himself. The saint sees because the saint must see. We must like the eagle - seefarther than others.A saint sees farther than others. What is it that makes a child of God so unique - he sees farther.Abraham. The Bible says, "he saw the promises from afar off and confessed them." He looked for a city,whose builder and maker was God. He saw farther than other people.We call this vision. Without a vision, my people perish. If a saint can't see far ahead - if he can'tsee to the end of the road; then, he will fall by the wayside.A saint has perspective. The eagle sees the big picture. He doesn't flap around in the dust - hesoars high...He sees things from a different perspective.Elisha prayed for his servant - open his eyes that he might see!Discerners of the time - sons of Isaachar.A saint looks upward when going gets rough.. Altitude isn't as important as attitude. Stormscome - eagles don't head downward - they head upward - they fly over the storm.What's your attitude like? do you looke upward.C. Secret of renewal.Wait upon the Lord.-wait on him as a servant waits on the table. Meet his every need.-wait on him as the farmer waits on the crops. Be patient - God will show up.III. Conclusion.Over a quarter of a century ago - these words were spoken - Houston, the eagle has landed.Perched higher than an eagle had ever gone before - the moon.But, someday the eagle will gain a new perspective....we will see as we've never seen - we shallsee him as he is!We will look down on this world from the portals of glory.....
Binding the breaks together with a Torch-aflame at center, an olive branch left
and a leafed oak branch at right to a display a message enlightenment, a peace,
and a sturdyness, stability, and something well grounded. Just 1. And do not know of how many. That's it, just one.
3 Teen Heroes Who Are Standing Up to Antisemitism
This past weekend, 4,000 teens converged on Brooklyn for the annual C-Teen
Shabbaton, which is emerging as the world’s largest and greatest gathering
of Je...
2 days ago
1 comment:
The Holy Spirit can be described as the presence of the Great Infinite Intelligence, called the Father, in a person (John 15:26), the.nature.of love the Great Infinite One has, and with all the incredible power that comes with it. It is the very nature of the Infinite One.
And herein is the key to the code. The code that unlocks the understanding.
It enables one to have depth of insight in seeing truth in what's going on, enables the sensing of attitudes out of sync with the love frequency of the underlying universe; like a special encrypted key special to those having it. Even those influenced by the dark side to varying degrees sense this in those of the side of light, as they did Jesus. And they mocked Him: Matthew 26:66-68; 27:12-31.
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