Found this from Robert Hand "
...But the kind of philosophy is important. Astrology is a discipline which is rooted in a pre-modern, in fact pre-medieval concept of the world. It very strongly implies, if it does not outright demand, that at some level we consider the universe to be a living, conscious and sentient being, or more precisely, that we consider the universe to be an aspect of a living, conscious, and sentient being, those not being quite the same thing. However in the course of the evolution of Western thought, somewhere between St. Augustine (354-430 C.E. ...
if and St. Thomas Aquinas (1224/25-1274 C.E.), or shortly thereafter, the West took a peculiar fork in the philosophical road. No other civilization besides the West has taken that fork except under the influence of the West. The nature of that fork became clearly manifested in the twelfth century when the West adopted Aristotle as its premiere philosopher and spent the rest of the middle ages working out the implications of that. They did so in a way that was peculiar, and one that I suspect Aristotle would not have found acceptable. It was a way to which astrology did initially adapt, but it eventually led to the modern reality system in which astrology has become "impossible.
Instead of Nightclubs, They Decided to Promote Something Jewish
When beachgoers in Hollywood, Florida, looked up at an overhead banner
airplane on Friday morning, they certainly didn’t expect to see a message
about Shab...
2 days ago
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